Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Keychain Chapstick Holder Tutorial

I am always trying to find my chap stick in my purse.  I end up digging around for minutes only to give up and decide to look later. I use to have the same problem with my keys until I got a hook fob to attach them to my purse straps. That is when it hit me to make some sort of pouch for the chap stick that could be on my key ring!

Now I just started to sew with a sewing machine. I am in no way an expert at sewing. I don't even know the proper terms, stitches, or process of making things with a sewing machine. So this tutorial is completely from a beginners perspective! I did take bits an pieces from multiple searches online on the steps and adapting them to what I wanted and needed.  There are plenty of other "professional" sewing tutorials for this project out there, but I thought I would share how I did it.

Fabric scrap (cut to 10in x 4in)
Key Ring
Sewing machine

First you are going to find a scrap of fabric that you want to use and cut it into a strip. Mine measured approximately 10 in tall by 4 in wide. 

Iron it nice and pretty!

Fold the strip in half lengthwise with right sides of the fabric together.
Sew the strip down the unfolded side to make a tube like strip.
(there goes that fancy and totally beginner sewing term talk)

Turn the fabric inside out to where the front of your fabric is now showing.

Take one end of your strip/tube and fold it a quarter of an inch 2 times. Iron it down flat and then sew a straight line to hold it in place.

It should look like this:

Flip it over and do the same thing to the opposite end - turning, ironing and sewing the straight line to hold it in place. I only flipped it once on this end because the raw edge won't be showing. Folding it once or twice is up to you.

Now it should look like this:

Take the last end you folded and fold it to the center of your strip.Pin it down if you need to for sewing.

Sew the folded section around the edges so that it creates a pocket. 
DON'T sew the center that creates the pocket though. 

Take your key ring and thread it through the top folded hem.


Now your chap stick holder is ready to be attached to your key ring! If you don't want to weigh your key ring down with it, you can also attach it to your purse strap. 

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial! 


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