Sunday, January 28, 2018

My Goodwill Thrifty Haul! #1

Craft items can be so expensive! I sometimes ask myself if spending the money justifies the end results. Of course all crafters will say YES! Though there are times -- more often than not -- that my bank account is screaming NO! So my solution is to look for deals in other places instead of big name craft stores.

On my recent trip to Goodwill this week, I actually scored some great items! My total was so cheap that I rewarded myself with a round of applause and a firm pat on the back. I was proud of the amount. So here is my haul for the week:

Red Cotton Fabric - 2 yards approx. $1.00
Yep. 2+ yards of red cotton fabric for a whole $1.00. Even on sale in big stores you can't beat that price!

Gallon size bag of buttons - $1.00

Again, I only paid $1.00 for this huge, gallon sized bag of buttons.  I love buttons. You can use them for function, decoration or just hoard them in pretty jars. The only thing I dread is sorting them all.

Tons of thread, needles, etc. - $10

Tons of assorted safety pins and quilting pins - $10

Both of the photos above were in a bucket together and the total for all the above was $10. The safety pins alone are like $2.99 at our local Kmart. I brought them home and shared the haul with my oldest daughter. I even set some aside to include in future giveaways. :)

Singer Tiny Serger -- $1.00

This was the big haul of the week! They originally had this priced at $15. I took it to the front and asked if they could plug it in for me so that I could see how well it worked. When we plugged it in, it came on and started to work, but it kept jamming after a few stitches. The lady looked at me and said that if I thought I could fix it she would give it to me for $1.00. So, why not? I took it to my ex husband #1 (thank goodness we still are friends!) and he cleaned it out for me and got it running. Now, I just need to figure out how to thread the darn thing!

So here is my total for the haul:

1+1+10+1= $13.00

Not too bad of a deal I think. My pocket book is certainly agreeing with me.